Kağan Coşkun
        
Bayrampaşa, İstanbul, Turkey
Ħ (+90) 5367254485 | ć kcoskun@gmail.com | u kagancoskun.com | ] kagancoskun
“Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it.
And to make matters worse: complexity sells better. Edsger Dijkstra”.
I am a seasoned soware engineer with versatile skills, boasting extensive programming experience in Java and Python for backend development.
My proficiency extends toDevOps, thanks to my background in Linux systemadministration and ongoing commitment to masteringAWS.Currently
on the path to earning my AWS Solutions Architect Associate certification, I am well‑equipped to design robust and scalable solutions.
In addition to my technical expertise, I bring valuable leadership experience, having managed teams of varying sizes. These teams encompassed
diverse roles, including developers, testers, and business analysts. I also successfully handled external stakeholder relations, ensuring eective
communication and collaboration.
Overall, my comprehensive skill set combines technical prowess, DevOps proficiency, and adept team management, making me a valuable asset
for driving successful soware projects.
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi İstanbul
    1999 2003
OSYM Granted, average score 2.78/4
 TOGAF 9 Certified Level  
 ISO 9001:2008   
AddSearch Remote
   2022/05 Cont
AddSearch is a company that provides a site search platform to ease website visitors’ pain of content discovery. AddSearch is headquartered in
Helsinki, Finland with a team spread across the world.
Serving as Senior Soware Engineer, specializing in Java development and DevOps practices.
Design and development of a Q&A agent using large language models with LlamaIndex.
Created an Auto Synonym system utilizing ChatGPT, enhancing search result relevance.
Designed and implemented a customizable query system empowering customers to create their own widgets.
Implemented IaC using Terraform, Ansible and Packer to deploy and manage production environments on AWS.
TechnologyStack: Java, AWS, Python, Terraform, Packer, Ansible, Dropwizard, MySQL, ElasticSearch/OpenSearch, ChatGPT, LlamaIndex, Lla‑
maIndex, GitHub, Shortcut.
Bites Remote
  2021/05 2022/05
BITES is a technology based innovative brand located in Ankara, having a wide range of product base including Next‑Generation Computer
Based Training Systems and Synthetic Environments, 3D Virtual Maintenance Trainers, Low‑Cost Synthetic Training Aids and Hardware
Components, Advanced Training Management Information Systems and Mission‑Planning & Aer Action Review‑Debriefing Soware Solutions
and a serious game‑engine driven image generator for all kinds of virtual training applications.
I was working as a team leader of soware developers. We were responsible for the development of the management modules of Bizbize Video
Conferencing and Xper Streaming Studio. I was leading the design, actively participating in the development and reviewing the codes of my
team. Also I was making interviews for new team members.
Technology Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Python, Django, Django‑Rest‑Framework, PostgreSQL, Git Lab, Jira, Docker, AWS, Kubernetes, Keycloak,
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Etiya İstanbul
      2013/05 2021/05
Etiya have served the Telecom industry giants for Tier 1 carriers and operators with solutions, Telaura, Somemto and Ofisim.com. Etiya’s
transformational solutions are certified with TM Forum Frameworx, which means they are industry tested, open, and future proof. Telaura Suite
is based on eTOM Business Process Frameworx.
Starting in 2020, I worked as a soware architect in the Marvel CRM project. The customer is Canadian company, Videotron. Marvel is a long
term CRM transformation project which I have taken part in the B2B delivery phase. The position requires soware design and soware review.
From 2018 to 2020, I managed several teams of Opera CRM and Opera Billing, 30 resources. I hired team members, evaluated team members’
performance and made recommendations for salary amounts. The position required working closely with the client, making long‑term plans,
solving emergencies, providing technical guidance to the team and making design.
From 2016 to 2018, I led a team of soware developers, business analysts and test engineers, 8‑10 resources. I hired my team members. I was
a hands‑on team lead. Design and development was my main duty.
From 2013/05 to 2016, I worked in TTNet CRM, AVEA CRM projects. Development environment was Oracle ADF framework. Water fall and
agile/scrum methodologies are used for project management.
Technology Stack: Java, Spring Boot, Oracle ADF, Oracle SQL, Toad, Svn, Bitbucket, Jira, Liquibase, Python, RabbitMQ
Havelsan İstanbul
  2012/04 2013/05
Havelsan is a soware and systems company presents global solutions in Defense and IT sectors. Havelsan has improved its expertise in the
fields of C4ISR, Naval Combat systems, Air Defense Systems, Management Information Systems, Simulation and Training Systems, Homeland
Security Systems and Energy Management Systems.
I worked at the Advent project in Havelsan. Advent is the next generation combat management system project of the Turkish Navy. I was
responsible for the Service Area Manager module.
My position required, analyzing the system requirements, writing requirements document, arguing the requirements with Turkish Navy, imple‑
menting the system and finally writing a design document.
Technology Stack: Java, RMI, Data Distribution Service, Linux, Svn, Bugzilla, Visio
Yaltes İstanbul / Netherland 3 Months
  2007/08 2012/04
Yaltes was a joint venture with Thales Netherland which specialized in the military naval platforms. It was a subcontractor in the MILGEM
(National Ship) project.
When I started the position, went for a three‑month technology transfer training at Thales Netherland. Training included CMS (Combat Man‑
agement System) basics. Aer the training, I started to work at ARMERKOM, research center of the Turkish Navy, for MILGEM project.
My position required, analyzing the system requirements, writing requirements document, arguing the requirements with Turkish Navy, imple‑
menting the system and finally writing a design document.
Technology Stack: C++, Ada, Java, Data Distribution Service, PostgreSQL, HLA, Qt, Linux, Svn, Bugzilla, Visio
Bitbrains IT Services İstanbul / Netherland 5 Week
  2007/02 2007/08
Bitbrains IT services is a Dutch company which had decided to start Bitbrains Turkey. So I was hired in Turkey. My first five weeks in Bitbrains was
in Amsterdam for training. Aer that period I have started working in Turkey
My position required me to do system administration in a mainly RedHat and Windows server environment also responding to the Dutch cus
tomers via email and phone.
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi İstanbul
  2003 2006
Introduction to Programming: First year course to teach the principles of programming using DrScheme.
Using Computers Eectively: Linux basics, bash programming, HTML, Latex, regular expressions were the topics covered in the course.
Practical Programming: A course for the students to meet with another language and do some basic programming exercises. Python and Java
was used.
Network Programming: Students were equipped with the basics of networking, TCP/IP layering, LAN and WAN during the lecture. Parallel to that
in the class hours I have presented the basics of BSD socket programming, multi threaded servers, asynchronous servers. Also basic protocols
are inspected such as HTTP and SMTP.
Computer Security: The basic Linux security, the importance of encryption, public/private key encryption methods and firewalling topics cov‑
Installed and managed a Debian Linux server for department web server. The services are Apache web server, Exim mail server, mailman and
Installed and managed a FreeBSD server for department gateway. The services on the gateway are firewall, dhcp, dns, http proxy, traic analysis
with ntop and traic shapping with dummynet.
Given a public course about Linux basics and networking.
Developed a watch and pay system for hotels.
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